Mom must haves

Saturday 25 July 2020

As a first time mom I had no idea what was a good buy and what was pretty pointless, so I thought I’d share my must haves with you all!
First of has to be spritz for bits. Yes you read that right spritz for bits, it was literally my go to after birth. As you can imagine after you have pushed a human out of your lady parts it’s going to be a tad sore especially if you’re like me and had a bad tear. I sprayed this on to my pad about four times a day and it instantly took away the pain and made it easier for me to sit down. Not only that but by week three I was pretty much fully healed and I think it’s definitely to do with this spray! It is expensive but trust me when I say it’s worth it! 
Secondly would have to be the bouncer! I struggled for ages to be able to get 10 minutes to myself to have a wee or a bite to eat until finally the bouncer arrived in my life. Hope loves it, I sit her in her bouncer and place it in the kitchen whilst I get some stuff done and it’s worked, she can go for a good 20-30 minutes. I’m not sure if all bouncers work as well but the one I have is the infant - toddler fisher price bouncer and it’s just amazing! 

The jungle gym! This was pretty much the first thing we had for Hope that she enjoyed playing with and exploring, 12 weeks on and she can now roll to her side to look at the toys and grab, pull and hit all the toys that dangle from above. It has definitely helped her with her development.
Dummy clip. The amount of times Hope spits her dummy out and it hits the floor is ridiculous, having a dummy clip to attach to her clothes is so much easier and saves a lot of time re sterilising them, especially if you’re out and have no where you can sterilise them. 
Mam self sterilising bottles for on the go. I thought about which bottles I wanted to use for a long time, you’d think this would be a pretty straight forward decision but actually it’s really not. I looked at a lot of reviews and asked different moms what they would recommend and the one that kept coming out on top was the mam bottles. Now I’ve used them I totally see why, they are anti-colic bottles and self sterilising. So if your out and have used all your bottles and need to sterilise them just ping them in the microwave for 3 minutes and there you go, sterilised, couldn’t be any simpler than that. 

 Hey bear sensory on YouTube. This is possibly one of the strangest things I’ve ever watched, dancing fruit and veg to upbeat music but, Hope is mesmerised. I put her in her bouncer and whack on some hey bear and say hello to my nice hot cup of tea. Trust me you’ll want to YouTube this straight away! 
Child’s farm moisturiser. Ok so this for one smells so nice and helps Hopes skin from drying out. Not only that but it has worked wonders for cradle cap, Hopes been really lucky to be fair as she’s barely had any cradle cap, she gets the tiniest bit of the front of her forehead. Once she gets out the bath and dries off I put some child’s farm cream on her cradle cap patch and leave it to soak in over night and by the morning the cradle cap is no more! 
There are many other things I could probably add in but I’d be here for way too long! These are just the main things I’ve found useful so far. In a few months time once I have started weaning and Hope can sit up on her own I will write a new mom must haves! 

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