
Thursday 23 July 2020

I loved being pregnant but I also hated being pregnant. It’s a weird one really, your full of joy as you carry around this little life inside of you feeling them kick and wriggle but you’re also scared half to death because you can’t see them, so how do you really know that they are ok?

Month one: well the first month you’re oblivious that you’re even pregnant. I think I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks so the first month is kinda irrelevant 🀷🏻‍♀️

Month two: morning sickness. Lucky for me I barely had any, I was sick when I hit week 6 and less than a hand full of times after that. My sleeping wasn’t great as I was up in the night at least twice for a wee πŸ™ˆ. I had the first ultrasound at week 6, this was something I’ll always remember because it’s the first time I ever saw my baby and that flickering heartbeat. As a paranoid momma I had another private scan at week 8 and a half, this was purely for my own sanity though, if you read my other blog you’ll understand why. This was a great scan because this is when I heard that beautiful sound, that strong beating heart! I got it recorded and placed in to a bear 🐻 there’s something so comforting about hearing that sound. This was the month I had my first ever midwife appointment, this was something I was super excited about! It was pretty boring if I’m honest, I literally just had to sit and answer some health questions and have my bloods taken.

Month three: I’m not sure why but the lead up to the 12 week scan was one of the most stressful experiences of my life. I was full of worry that something was gonna go wrong or that my baby wouldn’t be ok. I made my self actually sick, not purposely but the stress and anxiety did. Lucky for me I had Lewis with me the whole time making me forget all my worries, he’s the best. I walked in to that scan room put on a false smile crossing my fingers as I lay on that chair. It only took a few seconds after placing the Doppler on my stomach and there she was, my precious baby, so perfect, heartbeat strong and legs kicking away. Oh what a moment that was seeing her kick, was so strange to see yet I couldn’t feel it.

Month four: this was when my coccyx pain started, oh the pain was just awful. I work in a nursery so I spend a lot of time on the floor which when pregnant isn’t really ideal. I’d sit down and struggle to get comfortable but I just couldn’t get back up. I brought a 9ft pregnancy pillow to help me sleep at night it was amazing, don’t think Lewis was too impressed though as it took up half of the bed! Second midwife appointment and this one was more interesting, I got to hear the heartbeat which was just as amazing as when I heard it the first time. I got my blood results back and just my luck I had a rare blood type was told I would have to have an injection at 28weeks. This was called an anti-D injection, it’s incase the baby’s blood group is different to mine. If it is then basically without the injection my body would end up rejecting my next pregnancy so super important injection!

Month five: had a slight scare at week 17, had a bruise like pain in the side of my bump and as you can imagine I just went in to panic mode. I rang the doctors and got an out of hours appointment, the doctor was lovely, she referred me to the hospital just to be on the safe side. The hospital did some checks and listened in for the heartbeat. This took foreverrrrrrr, the doctor couldn’t find it and I was close to tears and then all of a sudden there it was, that beautiful sound! The next day the pain had gone and all was fine! The best thing about this month was the 20 week scan. We fought back and forth about if we were going to find out the gender. I hate surprises and I was desperate to know but Lewis was the opposite and didn’t want to know so we agreed we wouldn’t find out. We arrived at the hospital and was given a slip of paper asking if we wanted to know the gender or not, I told Lewis it was his choice and I’d be happy with his decision, of course Lewis couldn’t make a decision so decided to flip a coin. It landed on heads which meant we were going to find out. Headed in to the scan baby had a full MOT and was perfectly healthy! Oh but what happened? Baby had their legs crossed so there I was doing star jumps and wiggling my belly, luckily they moved, I looked at Lewis anxiously waiting to hear what our miracle was going to be. I remember looking at the screen and the lady said “congratulations you’re having little princess” I burst into tears (happy tears) and turned to Lewis who was also in tears, it was such an intimate moment that I’m glad we got to share together! Also this was the first time I got to feel baby move, she was super strong because Lewis could feel her too! I loved that he was able to feel her so soon, you’ll always remember that first kick it’s just the best feeling!

Month 6: nothing interesting really happened in this month if I’m honest. Had another midwife appointment, heard that lovely heartbeat! Oh and the movements were so strong now you could see her moving from the outside!

Month 7: this was a good month, I had a 4D scan done which baby girl did not cooperate with, it took four different attempts on four different days to get her to not hide her face. But when she did move her hands, what a beautiful baby girl we saw, little button nose and tiny lips, she couldn’t have been any more perfect. Of course I purchased all photos and a key ring just as a nice keepsake πŸ™ˆ. This was also the month I had the anti-D injection. That needle was big however, wasn’t as painful as I had imagined, thankfully. This month was also wonderful because I had my baby shower, now I was extremely lucky because I was able to have a normal baby shower as this was back in February before coronavirus got bad and lockdown happened. All my close family and friends showed up and I had the best day, baby girl was spoilt rotten and we received some beautiful gifts! A week alter I had reduced moments so headed to the hospital to get checked thankfully all was fine and baby was just having a quieter day! (If you ever have any reduced movements or just a feeling that something’s not right please go and get checked, majority of the time everything’s fine but it’s just not worth the risk)

Month 8: this is where things got a bit more difficult. I was really looking forward to my maternity leave, I had so many things arranged and planned out and was counting down the days! Two weeks before maternity I received a call to say my hospital was no longer open and I wouldn’t be able to give birth there anymore, I was devastated, the hospital was midwife led and was just so lovely but unfortunately because of COVID-19 they shut. Then COVID-19 got worse and panic began to set in, I had to take my maternity leave a week early and my first day on maternity guess what happened? We went in to the lockdown. Are you joking me? So all those plans were no more and I had to sit and stare at the same four walls patiently awaiting my baby girls arrival.

Month nine: I was on maternity leave for 4 whole weeks before baby decided to make an appearance. Do you know how bored and isolating it was to be in lockdown on my own (Lewis was working still) and not get to enjoy the first few weeks before she arrived. I was so bored that I started making tick tocks, heavily pregnant dancing around the living room to “baby mama”. I was huge and I mean huge at this point, I had that penguin waddle and struggling to get up. I hit my due date and nothing not even a sign of baby coming. I tried everything, long walks, curry, sex, nipple stimulation, exercise ball you name it I tried it and nothing. I finally went in to labour at 40 weeks and 6 days and had my baby girl at 41 weeks and 1 day.

9 months may seem like a long time but I swear my pregnancy flew by! Take it all in because you’ll miss it once they’re hear, don’t get me wrong I love cuddling and playing with Hope but I miss her in my tummy and feeling her kick, that was a special bond and experience no one but you gets to have. Once they’re here you have to share them with the world and that can be scary!

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