Postpartum body

Saturday 25 July 2020

I feel this is such an important topic that needs to be discussed. I’ve always been a size 8/10 in clothes and when I was pregnant I ate like a pig, I mean I never felt full. My bump was huge and I remember everyone around me constantly saying “oh you’ll bounce straight back after birth” but trust me this didn’t and still hasn’t happened 3 months on.

I don’t fit in any of my post pregnancy clothes and if I’m honest I still don’t now. I brought some jeans the other day and the only size I fit in was a 14, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with being a size 14 but I was just used to buying my jeans in a 10 and now I can’t even get a 10 over my thighs. 

I obsessed a lot over my size after giving birth, I’m two stone heavier than I was and that’s ok. You can’t expect to bounce straight back, ok some people do and fair play to you guys but for some of us it’s not as easy. Trying to lose this baby weight has been extremely difficult, I’ve cut all snacks out and I wear a waist trainer for 10 hours a day everyday and Im slowly seeing a change. 

I’m not the same person I was before having Hope, not just physically but mentally. I am a mom now and life is different but oh so wonderful. I’m keeping a positive mind set and trying to keep motivated in order to feel like me again. I love my stretch marks they don’t bother me at all Lewis is so sweet and tells me that “I’ve earned my stripes”. My stretch marks show how powerful my body was to carry another person for so long so they are something I’m proud of. Remember to love your body as that was once your baby’s home.

The best thing I have heard from other moms is “it took 9 months for your body to grow that perfect little human so give it time and have patients”.

This was me the month I conceived 

This was me at 40 weeks pregnant 

This was me a couple days after giving birth

And this is me now 3 months on. 

Give yourself time, I was so unhappy with how I looked in the picture above this one and put way too much stress on myself. My body had just the most amazing thing and it had only been a few days. 

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